Dump Trucks In Sandboxes: Turning Fascination Into Learning


If you have a kid that is absolutely fascinated by dump trucks in a sandbox, you could really take this fascination and turn it into a load of learning. Do not worry; not all parents are walking encyclopedias. So, here are a few ways you can really teach a child to do more with the things in which he or she is interested and vested.

Quarry Time

Local quarries frequently offer tours of the grounds. Your child can see real live dump trucks do their daily tasks of collecting quarried rock and moving it off location or to another location within the quarry. Quarries also host annual educational events where kids can come and touch the trucks, ride in the trucks, and even learn to use controls in trucks to scoop, load, and dump. 

Watching a Construction Zone

It is not unusual to watch construction. Many people are fascinated by the work in progress and seeing a grassy space or field being turned into a massive building. Dump trucks are almost always at work in the beginning of these projects. Your child can see what a dump truck does in an entirely different setting from the quarry, thereby learning that these trucks do more than just one job.

Rent Videos on Construction Trucks

There are videos on construction and construction trucks. Even if the language targets adults, your child still learns something about the trucks and what they do. Your child is also exposed to new vocabulary about dump trucks, which you can then help him/her look up in a dictionary or online.

Read Books and/or Technical Manuals about Dump Trucks

If you do not have a quarry or new construction near you, try borrowing books and technical manuals about dump trucks from your library. When your child can see what these things look like when taken apart or broken down into components and sections, he/she learns to view trucks (and so many more objects) as something more than the sum of its parts. It may spark even more curiosity to learn more about how other things work, what they do, and how they are made.

Use What You Learn about Dump Trucks in the Sandbox

Whether your child plays in a sandbox at home, or takes a dump truck toy to the sandbox at the park, you can use what you both have learned thus far to expound on imaginary play. Imaginary play made more realistic appeals to many kids. It will get other children in the sandbox interested in hearing what your child has learned.

For more information, contact companies like Bobby Hoelscher Trucking Inc.


14 September 2017

Learning About Various Types Of Transportation

Hello, my name is Denver and this blog was created due to my fascination with various types of transportation. It all started when I was a child and I received my first train set for my birthday. As I got older, I also became interested in the big semi trucks that I would see on the highways while traveling with my family. It didn't stop there, I then became mesmerized by airplanes and helicopters. The subway system and monorails were next on my list of interests. I would constantly read books and try to find out additional information about all the different kinds of transportation. Because of this early obsession of mine, I am very knowledgeable about this subject. If you would like to learn about the various modes of transportation, I invite you to read my blog and to enjoy the information that I've gathered together.